I have now completed the writing of 13 pages tributary to the ‘Middle Way Philosophy’ page. Put together these should now provide a reasonably coherent guide to how the major elements of Middle Way Philosophy fit together. We are also continuing to work on the audio resources based on recordings from the August retreat, which should provide an alternative resource. I hope that these resources will provide a coherent overview that will then encourage people to move onto the more detailed information available in my books.
The Middle Way Philosophy page also now includes this diagram (click on it to enlarge), which is an attempt to show graphically some of the major connections between the ideas treated on each page.
Middle Way Philosophy is an ongoing project, and I am always grateful for suggestions for improvement, and for informed and thoughtful challenges. In the longer term these resources should also be just a starting point, and I hope that more detailed pages on other areas will be added to this area of the site.
However, for the moment, it is the ‘Practice’ section that is underdeveloped and needs to be the focus of work. If you know something about one or more of the practices listed on the ‘practice’ page, and would like to draft a page on it that we can use as the basis of the page on the site, do let me know.