Join us

The Middle Way Society is a young organisation, but with huge potential for spreading understanding and practice of the Middle Way. Few people in the world think in terms of the Middle Way, and many have not even considered the possibility. By becoming a member of the society, you can help us in making the world more aware of an integrative, creative and ethical way of thinking it might otherwise shut out. For more about the society, please see our ‘about’ page.

Why join the society?

  • It’s a way of supporting your own commitment to try to practise the Middle Way
  • You’ll be entitled to participate in our regular Zoom network meetings and other events
  • You’ll be entitled to play a part in decision-making in the society.
  • You receive our email newsletter. This means you’ll receive an update on the society’s activities every month.

Is the society international?

Although the Middle Way Society is so far mainly based in the UK (legally subject to the charity law of England and Wales), we welcome members from any country. Our long-term intention is to set up autonomous Middle Way Societies in other countries. If you live in another country, your support could help make this happen! So far all our face-to face activities have been limited to the UK, but we hope that will change.


We no longer require any payment of a subscription for members of the society or network. However, we do have ongoing costs for which society funds are needed, particularly running the website and podcast subscription services. Network groups can also apply to society funds to help set up events. We’d like to encourage you to donate to society funds, preferably on a regular basis. You can do this either by clicking the ‘donate’ button on the right hand side of the website home page (scroll down), or by setting up a standing order from your bank account. (Account: Middle Way Society, Co-operative Bank, Sort Code  089299, account number 65711376, IBAN GB50 CPBK 0892 9965 7113 76, BIC CPBK GB22. Please use your name as a reference.)

How do I join?

To register as a member, please sign up to the newsletter on the front page.

7 thoughts on “Join us

  1. I have enjoyed interacting with the material on the website, concluded a reading of the introductory Migglism and am now working my way through the the omnibus edition of Middle Way Philosophy. I look forward to engaging ever so more cognizantly in applying Middle Way principles in practice. For now I would like to enquire as to how Middle Way philosophy evaluated the Process Philosophy of Whitehead.

    1. Hi Merlin,
      Thanks for getting in touch, and I’m glad you’re getting something from these materials. As regards Whitehead, I have never studied him, but my understanding is that process philosophy is a theory about the universe rather than about judgement. In Middle Way Philosophy I try to focus only on judgement and the conditions that affect judgement, and avoid theories about the universe as a whole (which are likely to be metaphysical just because of that claimed scope, however subtle they may be).

  2. Hi,
    apologies if I have registered twice. I needed to check if Id clicked on the correct button. When I click on the payment button for paypal, it sends me to my paypal account.
    On this there is no mention of the middle way society, its just my paypal account. If i go to send money, they ask for a name, an email address or a phone number for you. Aware as I am that there are two Middle way Societies, i am loathe to just type that in. I cant send money across to your bank account as Im in Australia. Can you let me know of how I can best send the payment. Regards Anna Markey

  3. Hi there. I am interested in joining the Society but for some reason the site seems to think I might be a bot. If you could please drop me a brief note via the address provided, I will provide all the necessary personal details that way. Thank you for the site & for the audio & written teachings made available. Regards.

    1. Hi Barkha, In my view process philosophy is well-intentioned, but is continuing to ask the wrong basic question: how to get the ‘correct’ (ever more subtle) metaphysics, rather than how to avoid metaphysical ways of thinking altogether. My book ‘Absolutization’ explores all the relationships between absolute thinking and metaphysical thinking in a way that should make this point of view more fully comprehensible.
      Best wishes, Robert

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