The Middle Way Network is a linked community of people supporting each other in learning about and practising the Middle Way. We have programmes of monthly meetings, with talks on aspects of the Middle Way and then discussion. There is also a dedicated Slack channel where members of the Network can communicate with each other without the pressures of social media.
Our monthly programme of Zoom meetings with talks May 2022-Jan 2023 wason Archetypes and the Middle Way, coinciding with Robert M Ellis’s book Archetypes in Religion and Beyond. Recordings of previous talks (and at least some of the Q&A) in this series can be found on our Youtube channel.
Our recent programme from Feb 2023 to July 2023 was on The Five Principles and the Threefold Practice, coinciding with Robert M Ellis’s book The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy.
From October 2023 we have relaunched our monthly meetings as Robert has stepped back and we aim to co-create topics for discussion and study using his works and other inspiring content on the middle way.
Aims of the Network
- To help people develop and share their understanding of the Middle Way and its implications
- To support all aspects of Middle Way practice
- To help create mutually supportive communities of practitioners, initially online but eventually also face-to-face
Joining the Network
It is easy to join the middle way society. Just sign up to the newsletter on the front page. This allows you to receive the newsletter with details of the monthly zoom meetings and upcoming events. You are also entitled to attend and vote in the AGM and participate in running the society if you wish to get involved in this as a trustee. No charge is required to join or be part of the Society, but we’d like to encourage you to donate to society funds to help us meet recurring expenses such as website and podcast hosting costs. To donate to the society, please use the ‘donate’ box on the right hand side of the website