Category Archives: Psychology

The MWS Podcast 46: Frank Ledwith – member profile

In this latest member profile, Frank Ledwith, a retired university teacher and lecturer, talks about his early life, how his career unfolded, his interest and involvement with Buddhism, the work of Stephen Batchelor and what the Middle Way means to him.

MWS Podcast 46: Frank Ledwith as audio only:
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MWS Podcast 45: Tim Kasser on the role of human identity in meeting environmental challenges

Tim Kasser is Professor of psychology at Knox College in Illinois and author of various books on materialism, values, well being and environmental sustainability including ‘The High Price of Materialism’ and ‘Psychology and consumer culture’. He’s going to talk to us today about a book he co-authored with Tom Crompton entitled ‘Meeting Environmental Challenges: The Role of Human Identity’ , how they see this as being often a missing link in environmental campaigning and how this all might relate to the Middle Way.

You can download a free version of the book here

MWS Podcast 45: Tim Kasser as audio only:
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The MWS Podcast 43: Shauna Shapiro on the Art & Science of Mindfulness

My guest today is Shauna Shapiro who is a professor of psychology at  Santa Clara University, a clinical psychologist and an internationally recognized expert in mindfulness. She’s the co-author of the critically acclaimed book: The art and science of mindfulness: Integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions.   She’s here to talk today about the IAA model of mindfulness, the integration of mindfulness into psychotherapy, the evidence behind the effectiveness of mindfulness and how all this might relate to the Middle Way.

MWS Podcast 43: Shauna Shapiro as audio only:
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The MWS Podcast 40: Alison Armstrong on Mindfulness & Compulsive Buying

My guest today is Alison Armstrong, who is a mindfulness teacher and researcher and founder of Present Minds. She’s going to talk to us about mindfulness and compulsive buying which began as a research project for her PhD and became a ground-breaking RESOLVE study. She’ll also talk about how all this relates to the Middle Way.

Here’s also an article Alison wrote for the Guardian which gives an overview of the topic.

MWS Podcast 40: Alison Armstrong as audio only:
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The MWS Podcast 39: Steven C. Hayes on Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

My guest today is Steven C. Hayes, who is Nevada Foundation Professor and Director of Clinical Training at the Department of Psychology at the University of Nevada. He’s the author of many books including the popular Get out of your mind and into your life which for a while was the number one best-selling self-help book in the US. He’s the co- founder of Acceptance and Commitment therapy or ACT as it’s more commonly known and he’s going to talk us today about ACT, what’s unique about it, what are its goals, how it pans out in practice, and how it might relate to the Middle Way. The podcast is a bit longer than usual but I can assure you it’s well worth listening to and I feel the ACT approach is very congruent with many of the aims and values we hold in the society.

If you’re interested, here is also a link to a wonderful initiative of the ACT movement to bring psychotherapist support to people traumatized by the ebola epidemic.

MWS Podcast 39: Steven C Hayes as audio only:
Download audio: MWS_Podcast_39_Steven_C_Hayes

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