A new talk edited from the 2014 retreat. It discusses how we need to distinguish the ideas of self and ego – to avoid beliefs about the self whether positive or negative, but nevertheless work with the experience of ego as we find it.
Category Archives: Psychology
Middle Way Philosophy 4: The Integration of Belief – now available
Now available! The final volume in Robert’s ‘Middle Way Philosophy’ series, ‘The Integration of Belief’. This includes discussion of what belief is, how we can avoid delusions and how we can develop provisionality of belief. It draws on extensive evidence from psychology (cognitive bias theory) as well as philosophy,
and includes quite a comprehensive survey of cognitive biases, fallacies and metaphysical beliefs that make us absolutise our beliefs and thus make errors. The front cover is reproduced right and the back cover below. Please go to this link if you’re interested in purchasing a copy.
Dan Siegel on integration
Dan Siegel, author of ‘Mindsight’, here offers a scientifically precise take on integration, and on the kind of view of the mind that is needed to make sense of integration. This is well worth a view if you are interested in understanding the working of integration more clearly. We’re not just talking vague psychobabble here, but something that can be understood quite precisely both in terms of brains and in terms of experience. There is also an interesting transcribed interview with him here.
The MWS Podcast 49: Elizabeth English on Focusing
Elizabeth English (Locana) is the founder Life at Work, a professional and personal development organisation. She has a Masters and Doctorate from Oxford University in Buddhology. She’s a certified Nonviolent Communication trainer and, a teacher in Focusing with the British Focusing Teachers’ Association and the Focusing Institute. She’s going to talk to us today about Focusing, what it is, how you practice it, what are its benefits and how it might relate to the Middle Way.
MWS Podcast 49: Elizabeth English as audio only:
Download audio: MWS_Podcast_49_Elizabeth English
The MWS Podcast 48: Rubin Naiman on Sleep and Dreams
Dr. Rubin Naiman is the sleep specialist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of Arizona’s centre for integrative medicine. Dr Naiman is the author of several books on sleep and dreams including Healing Night, Healthy Sleep, the Yoga of Sleep and Hush. He regular blogs on sleep and dreams for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today. He talks about why so many of us are deprived of good quality sleep, in what way we might take some steps to address the balance and how this might relate to the Middle Way.
MWS Podcast 48: Rubin Naiman as audio only:
Download audio: MWS_Podcast_48_Rubin_Naiman