Category Archives: Podcast

The MWS Podcast: Episode 8, Peter Goble

In this latest member profile, Peter Goble, talks about his career in nursing, his experience of living and working in Africa, his work as a Buddhist chaplain, both in prisons and hospices and why he joined the society.

MWS Podcast 8: Peter Goble as audio only:
Download audio: MWS_Podcast_8_Peter_Goble

Previous podcasts:

Episode 7: The author Stephen Batchelor on his work with photography and collage.
Episode 6: Iain McGilchrist, author of the Master and his Emissary.
Episode 5: Julian Adkins on introducing MWP to his meditation group in Edinburgh
Episode 4: Daren Dewitt on Nonviolent communiction.
Episode 3: Vidyamala Burch on her new book “Mindfulness for Health”.
Episode 2: Norma Smith on why she joined the society, art, agnosticism and metaphor.
Episode 1 : Robert M. Ellis on the skill of critical thinking.

The MWS Podcast: Episode 7, Stephen Batchelor

In this episode, the secular Buddhist author Stephen Batchelor talks about his interest in photography and collage, how he sees art as an integrative practice and how he feels it relates to the Middle Way.

The Youtube version of the talk is illustrated with pictures from Stephen’s ‘Imperfect Mirrors’ series.

MWS Podcast 7: Stephen Batchelor as audio only:
Download audio: MWS_Podcast_7_Stephen Batchelor

Click here to view other podcasts

The MWS Podcast: Episode 6, Iain McGilchrist

In this episode, the patron of the society Iain McGilchrist, talks about his book The Master and his Emissary, the value of the arts, his views on, awe, modernity and religion and how he feels his work relates to the Middle Way.

Click here to view other podcasts

The MWS Podcast: Episode 5, Julian Adkins

In this second of our member profiles, Julian Adkins talks about his life, why he joined the society and his experiences with the Christian, Buddhist and Atheist traditions. He goes on to say how these experiences partly informed his decisions to become a classical ballet dancer, an engineer, a nurse and now a CBT therapist. He explains the impact, Stephen Batchelor, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris have had on his life. He also talks about how he’s getting on introducing Middle Way Philosophy to the meditation group he runs in Edinburgh.

The MWS Podcast: Episode 4, Daren Dewitt

In this episode Daren Dewitt, a certified trainer with the centre for nonviolent communication talks about this integrative practice and how it can be a very effective technique for dealing with conflict both with others and ourselves. He explains the process involved especially in regard to feelings and needs and non judgement. He explores themes such as anger and appreciation and how NVC can arguably be seen as a way of breaking down dogmatic views about others (and ourselves). He also talks about how he got involved with NVC and the influence this has had on his own life.

Daren runs regular training sessions in London, see: He is very happy to answer any questions about the interview or NVC in the comments section should you have any.