Category Archives: Podcast

The MWS Podcast 34: Andrew Brown on Religion

This week’s guest is the journalist and author of the award-winning book ‘Fishing in Utopia’. He writes a regular column in the Guardian on themes concerned with religion and this is the topic of the conversation today.

MWS Podcast 34: Andrew Brown as audio only:
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The MWS Podcast 33: Iain McGilchrist on Dogma and the Brain

In the first of a series of regular dialogues with thinkers on various subjects, the chair of the society Robert M. Ellis discusses dogma and the brain with psychiatrist , author and patron of the Middle Way Society Iain McGilchrist.

MWS Podcast 33: Iain McGilchrist as audio only:
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The MWS Podcast 32: Ed Catmull, President of Pixar and Disney Animation on Creativity.

In this latest member profile, Ed Catmull, president of Pixar and Disney Animation talks about his new book Creativity Inc.,  the finding of the ‘Middle’ and how one sets up the conditions in a work environment so that creativity might flourish. He goes on to explain how he tries to maintain a work/life balance and why he decided to join the Middle Way Society.

If you’d like to read a review of ‘Creativity Inc’ by the chair of the society Robert M. Ellis, then click here.

MWS Podcast 32: Ed Catmull as audio only:
Download audio: MWS_Podcast_32_Ed_Catmull

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The MWS Podcast 30: What is your understanding of the Middle Way? 2.

Continuing on from last week, this is the second compilation of podcast interviewee’s responses to the above question, they are: Paul Gilbert, Mark Vernon, Jim O’Driscoll, Claire Kelly, Vishvapani Blomfield, Rich Flanagan, Viryanaya, Peter Worley, Don Cupitt and Kristin Neff. If you would like to hear the full interviews, you can find them here.

MWS Podcast 30: What is the Middle Way 1 as audio only:
Download audio: MWS_Podcast_30_WITMW2

The MWS Podcast 29: What is your understanding of the Middle Way? 1.

I normally pose the above question or something similar to people I interview for the podcasts. I thought it might be interesting to create a regular compilation of their responses. This first ‘batch’ include Vidyamala Burch, Julian Adkins, Iain McGilchrist, Stephen Batchelor, Peter Goble, John Bolwell, Emilie Åberg and Norma Smith. If you would like to hear the full interviews, you can find them here.

MWS Podcast 29: What is the Middle Way 1 as audio only:
Download audio: MWS_Podcast_29_WITMW1