Category Archives: Podcast

The MWS Podcast 165: Jamie Bristow on a Middle Way approach to the Climate Crisis

Our guest today is Jamie Bristow, who is a writer and policy expert working at the intersection of inner and outer transformation and sustainability.

For eight years, he was Director of the Mindfulness Initiative and clerk to the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Mindfulness. In 2023, he joined the Inner Development Goals team to lead on public narrative & policy development.

He’s here to talk to us today about a Middle Way approach to the climate crisis

The MWS Podcast 163: Rupert Read on the Climate Majority Project

Our guest today is Rupert Read, an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, former spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion and co-director of the new Climate Majority Project. He’s authored several books, including This Civilisation is Finished, Parents for a Future and Why Climate Breakdown Matters and has been many times on the Today programme, Question Time, Newsnight, Politics Live, Al Jazeera, and more and he’s here to talk to us today about the Climate Majority Project.

The MWS Podcast 162: Member profile, George Glen, the new Chair of the Middle Way Society

My guest today is George Glen. George is the new chair of the Middle Way Society, after taking over the role last year from the society’s founder Robert M Ellis. He’s going to talk to us today a little bit about his life and interests, how he became interested in Middle Way philosophy, as well as a range of topics from Yoga and meditation, to art and the joy of play, ways of seeing and value and navigating our lives.