All posts by Barry Daniel

About Barry Daniel

I live in the Lake District in the UK where I run a guesthouse with my partner Kate and my cat Manuel. I enjoy painting, hillwalking, reading, visiting and entertaining friends, T’ai Chi and playing the guitar. I’m engaged to a certain degree in the local community, as a volunteer with Samaritans and I’m a fairly active member of the local Green party. I’ve had a relatively intuitive sense of the Middle Way most of my adult life but it found a greater articulation and a practical direction through joining the society. It’s also been interesting and great fun engaging with other people with a similar outlook. My main contribution to the society is conducting the podcast interviews, something that gives me a lot of satisfaction and that I’ve learnt a lot from.

The MWS Podcast 106: Helena Bassil-Morozow on Jungian Film Studies

Our guest today is Helena Bassil-Morozow , a cultural philosopher, writer, and lecturer in media and communication at Glasgow Caledonian University. She’s interested in ways in which we interact with our society, and particularly how our identities are shaped by our environment. Her books include ‘Tim Burton: The Monster and the Crowd’ , ‘The Trickster in Contemporary Film’. Her latest book which she has co-written with Luke Hockley and which comes out in December is entitled ‘Jungian Film Studies: the Essential Guide’ and this is going to be the topic of our discussion.

MWS Podcast 106: Helena Bassil-Morozow as audio only:
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The MWS Podcast 105: Nancy L Morgan on LifeMoves

We are joined today by Nancy L Morgan, a psychologist at a private practice in Clinical Psychology and Director of Behavioral Health at LifeMoves. Life Moves is an organization that combats homelessness in the San Mateo and Santa Clara counties of California and this will be topic of our conversation.

MWS Podcast 105: Nancy L Morgan as audio only:
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The MWS Podcast 104: Igor Grossmann on Emotional Complexity

We are joined today by Igor Grossmann, who is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Wisdom and Research Lab based at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. His main research interest is the complex processes that enable individuals to think and act wisely. He has also done pioneering work on the development of wisdom in different cultures and was named one of the 2015 Rising Stars in the field of Psychological Science. He recently co-wrote a paper with Alex C. Huynh entitled Emotional Complexity: Clarifying Definitions and Cultural Correlates in which certain common , especially Western assumptions about having ‘mixed feelings’ are challenged.

MWS Podcast 104: Igor Grossmann as audio only:
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The MWS Podcast 103: Matt Robert on Open Source Recovery

We are joined today by Matt Robert. Matt runs multiple “recovery“ oriented groups in the greater Boston area in the US. Some are open to the public, some are in detoxes, psychiatric units, shelters, etc.. He uses the platform of SMART Recovery (Self-Management And Recovery Training), and the thrust of his groups is about helping people examine their intention and motivation to change. The groups include people with substance use issues, as well as any behaviour with undesired negative consequences that build up over time and get in the way living one’s life as desired. He also does this in the context of hybrid 12-Step groups that incorporate mindfulness, meditation and Buddhist philosophy.

MWS Podcast 103: Matt Robert as audio only:
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The MWS Podcast 102: Tom Gash on his book Criminals: The truth about why people do bad things

We are joined today by Tom Gash. Tom is an advisor, researcher and writer on crime policy and government effectiveness, who helps people to think differently about the big challenges facing governments worldwide. He is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Government, a Visiting Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics, and an expert adviser for the Boston Consulting Group. He’s going to talk to us today about his book Criminal: The Truth about Why People do Bad Things which challenges many of the assumptions and entrenched beliefs that are commonly held about crime and criminals.

MWS Podcast 102: Tom Gash as audio only:
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