MWP Video 1b: Middle Way and Christianity

Christianity is too often interpreted as a set of absolute beliefs, but by taking responsibility for how we interpret it, it is possible to practise Christianity in a way that starts with human experience. The central symbol of Christ as mediator between divine and human is one that can have meaning all of us, in the tension between positive and negative absolutes. This video by Robert M Ellis is part of a series introducing Middle Way Philosophy, and is tributary to ‘Middle Way Philosophy 1: Introduction’, which you will need to view to understand references to the Middle Way.

This is the 9th video in the Middle Way Philosophy Introductory Course.

Some suggested reflection questions:

  1. What does Christianity mean to you? (note, by mean in this and subsequent questions, we are not asking about ‘Christian beliefs’)
  2. What does God mean to you?
  3. What does Christ mean to you?
  4. Regardless of your religious background, how might that meaning be developed helpfully for you in your specific situation?

Suggested further reading:

Robert M Ellis: The Christian Middle Way: The Case against Christian Belief but for Christian Faith (Christian Alternative, 2018)

Edward Walker: Treasure Beneath the Hearth

R. John Elford: The Ethics of Uncertainty


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