Archetypes and the Middle Way: Network Zoom Meetings 2022

From 1st May 2022 we are planning to revive our regular Zoom meetings for the whole Middle Way Network. These will combine a focus on working with archetypes along with wider Middle Way practice. Talks by Robert M Ellis (drawing on his recent book ‘Archetypes in Religion and Beyond’) will be accompanied by a focus on some specific practices introduced after each talk. These practices will be geared towards integrating our desires and beliefs, and finding inspiration in archetypal symbols whilst avoiding projection of them.

The meetings will have a slightly different format from the meetings we had during 2020 and 2021. Instead of fortnightly meetings with a talk and breakout groups, we will have a monthly meeting with a talk by Robert and an introduction to a practice focus for that month. In between each monthly meeting there will be a follow-up meeting, facilitated by George Glen or another experienced member of the society. The follow-up meeting will allow more time to explore the practices and discuss our experience of them.

Meetings will be on Sunday evenings UK time (UTC+1 in summer, +0 in winter) from 7.30pm to 9pm. Meetings with the initial talk will be on the first Sunday of each month, and the follow up meeting on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

All members of the Middle Way Network and Society will be welcome at the meetings. If you are not already a member of the Network, you can easily join on this page. Urls for the Zoom meetings will only be shared with members of the network by email newsletters or on the Network Slack area.

A programme of meetings for 2022 (and Jan 2023) is given below:

Talk meeting dateFollow up meeting dateTheme of TalkPractice Focus
1st May 202215th May 2022Archetypes and meaningRecognizing meaning as embodied
5th June 202219th June 2022Meaning and beliefDistinguishing the meaning of symbols from our beliefs about them
3rd July 202217th July 2022Archetypes and inspirationIdentifying and recalling inspiring symbols
7th August 202221st August 2022Inspiration and religionFinding inspiration in our religious heritage, but with agnosticism about its absolutes
4th Sept 202218th Sept 2022Integrating the heroMaintaining inspiration in our pursuit of goals, without projective fallacies
2nd Oct 202216th Oct 2022integrating the shadowDifferentiating genuine from projected threats in our responses to evil
6th Nov 202220th Nov 2022Integrating the anima/ animusFinding inspiration in the other without appropriation
4th Dec 202218th Dec 2022Integrating the God archetypeMaintaining wider inspiration without projection
8th Jan 202322nd Jan 2023The Middle Way archetypeHolding ideals in tension with recognition of conditions: the 5 Principles

2 thoughts on “Archetypes and the Middle Way: Network Zoom Meetings 2022

  1. Hello there!

    I have been greatly enjoying and benefitting from the recorded talks on Youtube and was wondering: are the practice focuses for each session written down somewhere so we can reference them?

    Anyway, great work and thanks to Robert and also the participants for the insights!

    1. Hi Marco, Thanks for the comment and the appreciation. There are notes for each session, including the practice focus, that were originally shared on our Slack area. However, the Slack area is now out of use, so we will have to find some other way of making them available. In the meantime, if you drop me an email (robert at middlewaysociety dot org) I can send you the notes for whatever sessions you particularly want by email.
      best wishes, Robert

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