The integration of human beings is a variable process likely to create lop-sided results. This video discusses some of the different forms of lop-sidedness and advocates a positive recognition of the value of even skewed forms of integration. At the same time we need to be careful not to idealise the process by assuming that any imperfect humans are completely integrated. This is a tributary video to no. 6 in this series on integration.
This is the 26th video in the Middle Way Philosophy introductory course.
Some suggested reflection questions:
1. In what ways do you think your judgements are asymmetrically integrated? Are you likely to make more adequate judgements in some areas that others?
2. What is your habitual attitude to hypocrisy? Can you appreciate the positive value of hypocritical positions?
3. Do you tend to assume others are wholly integrate or wholly unintegrated, or are you able to appreciate their asymmetry so as to avoid projection?
Suggested further reading
Middle Way Philosophy 2: The Integration of Desire, section 5.d
Middle Way Philosophy 3: The Integration of Meaning, section 7.b
Middle Way Philosophy 4: The Integration of Belief, section 6.b